With the new year upon us, you may be thinking about your marketing strategy for 2023. 
How will you reach a wider audience, keep your existing clients engaged, and bring in new business? 
We’re all used to getting email after email that we’ve signed up for but don’t engage with, so it’s easy to assume that email marketing would go the same way and end up in spam folders or just be deleted straight away.  
However, think about this - for every person who has received a spam email, there’s someone who has opened an email, read it, paused, and thought, ‘Yeah, that’s a really good point that they’re making" or "Ooh, let me go check the website... " 

Email marketing can be a powerful marketing tool, provided you don’t just think of it as a way to sell. 

Here at it'seeze Stevenage, we like to use email marketing as a way to keep our customers, fans and prospective clients up to date with what's going on.  
For example, not so long ago, we made some fantastic updates to our editing tools – and for those clients who hadn’t logged in recently, it let them know that something that was a little tricky before was suddenly much easier to do.  
For our prospective clients, it may have made our services even more attractive to them, as it let them know that something they wish they could do with their existing website is easier than ever. 
For the reader, email marketing is also easy.  
We’re all busy – whether it’s because we’re working on our own business, tending to our personal lives and families, or at this time of year, on a search for the last mince pie – and email marketing doesn’t require any effort from us. 

You may have heard some ‘experts’ suggest that email marketing is dead, and that social media is the only way to engage now. 

However, a Facebook post, an Instagram reel, a TikTok video all require customers to load up the app and log in to watch it. If they go to do that, they may also get distracted in the process and end up watching video after video of Labradors being silly. (Not that those of us at it'seeze Stevenage have ever done that.) 
With email marketing, it’s right there. The client has already clicked into the email, and they don’t have to go anywhere else. As I mentioned earlier, we’re all so busy – it may just be a few seconds that is being saved by having the message right there, but every second counts. 

So, great – email marketing is there and making clients’ lives easier. But what about us, the people creating the email blast, you may ask – what's in it for us? 

Well, that’s simple. 
You own it. You control the content 100%.  
If you communicate via social media, and that platform goes down, that’s it. You’ve lost your video. With email marketing, if the platform you use goes down? You’ve already got your subscriber list saved locally, along with the content for your email blast. You can find yourself a new platform and get going without the clients ever knowing you experienced a little blip. 
We asked in the title if email marketing is dead – and in summary, we at it'seeze website design Stevenage say, ‘absolutely not.’ 
If you need support for your email marketing, we can help. 

Finally, here’s a few tips on how to keep your email marketing from ending up in someone’s spam box. 

Keep your title short and snappy – but relevant to the content. You want to make sure you hook your reader in from the beginning 
Don’t let your email turn into a novel. You want to be informative, but remember, your client may need to get on with other things. Give detail but try to stick to less than 1000 words 
End with a call to action – but make it easy. Ultimately, the point of the email is to drive people to your website. So, if there's a particular page you want to drive people towards, make sure you keep your message in line with it. 
Still not sold on email marketing? Why don’t you drop us an email at info@itseeze-stevenage.co.uk. Our team can have a chat with you about how to help make 2023 your best year yet, and all starting with an email. 

Need Help? 

At it'seeze Website Design, you're never alone. If you want help updating your website, let's arrange a website review. We can make content suggestions, provide training, and help make sure that your website never gets stagnant.  
Just contact us to get the ball rolling. 
Feedback or questions? You can comment below, or contact us directly. 
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